The "Flava" Doctor is IN!




Soup recipes

Sides and Pasta

Entree recipes





This is the launch site for soup recipes.  When you choose to serve them is your decision.

OK, here it is.  I was talking to a lady where I was working about enhancing recipes.  She threw down the gauntlet about a recipe in the Weight Watcher's guide.  It had 0 points and, as she put it, 0 taste.  The challenge was to make it have TASTE.  I read the recipe and agreed that the result of the original recipe would have no taste.  The challenge was to add flavor without adding points.  I can provide the deltas between the Weight Watcher's recipe and mine, but I still think that the result has 0 points.  I've only mixed up one batch of this soup, but it tasted pretty good.  I'll mix up another in the near future and give it to my soup expert down the street.  I'll let you know what happens.   Anyway, here it is, enjoy!

Garden Vegetable Soup

Here is the recipe for Udon Chicken Soup, it is really very easy.  The name is a joke.

Impossibly Difficult Chicken Udon Soup